And they who for their country die shall fill an honored grave, for glory lights the soldier’s tomb a beauty weeps the brave.

— Joseph Rodman Drake

“Honored Graves”

The American Holiday Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday of May.  It honors those who died while serving in the U.S. military.  The holiday originated post-American Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971.  Many also consider it to mark the unofficial beginning of the summer season.

Memorial Day is a quiet and insistent reminder to each of us in America that Freedom Is Not Free. Sadly, it’s often paid for with blood and lives.  We honor those in the Military who have made this ultimate sacrifice that the rest of us might be free to pursue and live better lives.

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3 years ago

Somber reminders fill my social media threads today. The wonderful Drake quote is new to me but will be remembered. Take care.

Howard Grill
Howard Grill
3 years ago

So true.

Monte Stevens
Monte Stevens
3 years ago

For me it’s a time of sadness, remembrance and gratitude. While I feel sadness that so many lives and much blood have been lost while still no world peace.

I so like the power in this image. Well done!