Broken, Angel Wings (Caladium Bicolor)

The Angel Wing plant is obviously named because of the shape of its leaves.  This particular bicolored specimen has had a rough spring as many leaves are torn or have pieces missing.  Hence, I named this photo “Broken Angel Wings.” 

However, the phrase “broken angel wings” also brought to mind lost innocence or lost purity, and this reflects somewhat on how I’ve felt these last 12-18 months. My perceptions of this country, its politics, religious agenda, values, and many people have changed.  I’ve not been shocked by what I’ve seen, but I have been rocked by the quantity and the willingness to bring real evil, hate, lies, and ugliness out from under the rocks into the light of day and celebrate it like a virtue.  For sure, broken angel wings.

I can only believe those who do this hope we will forget who they are and what they did, but we must not forget.  We must remember.

If feeling a little hopeless, I cling to something Mahatma Gandhi said.

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it–always.”  ― Mahatma Gandhi

So, let’s remember on this U.S. Memorial Day weekend those who made the ultimate sacrifice so we’d have an opportunity to live and better ourselves in this great country (USA.)   Let’s also honor them with our actions today and in the future.

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3 years ago

Not that I have any objections to Ghandi’s statement, but couldn’t they fall a little faster?
I find myself in the same boat on much of this. As much as I read how important it is to find common ground with people you disagree with, some aspects I find so damn repulsive that I couldn’t care less if we had one or two things in common.

3 years ago

Thanks for the uplifting quote, Earl. Yes, those last years could easily create a depressive mood, and it’s not difficult to fall for that.

Howard Grill
Howard Grill
3 years ago

What’s happened the last four years is shockingly disturbing. What’s been even more disturbing is those who yearn for the return of the previous and continuation of the lies and philosophy. Even miss it if you look on Facebook. And it seems like our society is now out of control with shootings, brawls on airplanes, all sorts of crazy stuff. I guess it was all there before but somehow seems to have been released so there is no longer any shame

Howard Grill
Howard Grill
3 years ago
Reply to  Earl

I know what you mean…people I have worked with that have another side that emerges. Have a good weekend as well.

3 years ago

Perfect, Earl, just perfect. The metaphor and the quote and your reflections; excellent all.