“Again the blackbirds sings; the streams Wake, laughing, from their winter dreams, And tremble in the April showers The tassels of the maple flowers.”

John Greenleaf Whittier


Keeping Watch

This year, 2021, seems like a time for me to listen and watch rather than speak or write.   It’s taken a while, but I’ve grown comfortable with it.  The above image was a little something to keep me busy.  

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Monte Stevens
4 years ago

But, when you speak I listen! I believe quieting ourselves is something more of the world needs to discover. And, look at the creativity that comes from it!!!

3 years ago

Impressive and creative Earl. I can imagine you worked on this one for a while. Returning sounds of spring are emerging here, but I have yet to go out to explore any visuals. We adopted a 2nd dog who has kept our hands full the past weeks.

3 years ago
Reply to  Earl

Well he is a northern breed mix of something, husky or malamute with something else. They are getting along ok, just he thinks he is a 65 lb puppy that can jump on anything he wants. As far as the owners… a bit exhausted. They were supposed to keep each other occupied, giving us a bit of a break. Hasn’t turned out much like that so far.

Howard Grill
Howard Grill
3 years ago

It’s a really beautiful image!

3 years ago

Excellent framing for that bird in a thoughtful posture – he himself being silent and watchful at that very moment.

Silence is quite underappreciated in these times – on the contrary: louder, more, faster, shallower seems to be the motto of the day, and as you wrote, it will probably come at a price, if not for us, then for our kids and grandchildren