“No wise fish would go anywhere without a porpoise.” “Wouldn’t it, really?” said Alice, in a tone of great surprise. “Of course not,” said the Mock Turtle. “Why, if a fish came to me, and told me he was going on a journey, I should say ‘With what porpoise?”

— Lewis Carroll, Alice In Wonderland


I want to take a moment to be thankful.   Bonnie and I have been very fortunate in an overall dreadful past year.  We’ve commented on that fact in our conversations numerous times and for a variety of reasons.  We are humbled by it, and sometimes there is a certain amount of guilt when so many are suffering and facing hardships.   Perhaps in our journeys, we’ve picked up a “guardian porpoise,” which has been an insider quip between Bonnie and me for years, hence the quote.  

However, life tends to throw curves, and we never know what tomorrow may bring.  But for today, we are genuinely thankful.

And thank-you Porpoise.   :-)

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Monte Stevens
4 years ago

That is good to hear, my friend! I also feel much gratitude for this past year in spite of all that has happened. My world has not been shattered as some and in many ways has been a big leap in spiritual growth, introspection, my photography, my writing, my time in nature and I can still find toilet paper and Dove’s chocolates.

Awesome photo!!!!

Monte Stevens
4 years ago
Reply to  Earl

Mini Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups? I knew you two were really wise people!

4 years ago
Reply to  Monte Stevens

I’ve seen a couple of references from Monte about Dove chocolates. I think we have some insight into his kryptonite there. :-)

4 years ago

My wife and I just had the very same conversation a couple of nights ago, but just read your post now. The fact we haven’t been impacted by the shutdowns here in employment or having health care taken away, that we have a roof over our head, food to eat. We have our health issues, but we manage and both have overcome some fairly serious conditions, where many do not. We even discussed the guilt feelings at times – which are countered with feelings of knowing some of it is due to hard work, schooling, but also just being fortunate which many people are not. It can be a lot to try to wrap your head around. And I think you hit on the key – just be thankful and appreciate what you do have.

4 years ago

Katherine and I remind each other often that though this year has been horrid in many ways we’ve been so incredibly fortunate to have health, family, and friends to ease whatever difficulties we’ve encountered. Limited travel and no dinners with friends have had the most impact on our mental states but here we are win 2021 and optimistic once again! Stay well, Earl