Maggie’s Monday

Yelp, it’s Monday, and as Maggie says, “You gotta take those rays of sunshine where you find them.”  

It’s going to be a lean Thanksgiving this year, 2020 Covid-19 edition.  Minimum on Thursday, with masks, open windows, and as much distancing as possible.  Still, there’s much to be thankful for this year!

Take care, everyone!

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4 years ago

Hope you and your family remain safe and Maggie gets some extra Turkey.

Monte Stevens
4 years ago

Same here. Will cook a couple of cornish hens in the crockpot. I’ve gotten used to spending time with “me”this past year. Kinda like hanging with myself. And, Maggie sure knows how to find those rays of sunlight! Hope you have a safe and enjoyable time with family. I really do have much to be grateful for!