“Magnificent Autumn! He comes not like a pilgrim, clad in russet weeds. He comes not like a hermit, clad in gray. But he comes like a warrior, with the stain of blood upon his brazen mail. His crimson scarf is rent…”

~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


Magnificent Autumn

This image, 1120.3, and previously published image 1120.2 might be considered a pair, but this one gives a bit more abstract impression.  For the purposes of this site, “Digital Expressions,” are images created or manipulated to be something unique on their own. Most begin as photos but have been manipulated beyond their original photographic identity.

As a side note, when I assign a quote to an image, I often do so after the image is finished. However, in this case, I found the quote before beginning work on the image and let it influence a direction.  

I’m still finding my way with these “Digital Expressions” images. I’m not sure about digitally framing them for presentation, but I wish to segregate them from my other photo efforts.   In a comment on a previous post, I jokingly stated perhaps these “Expressions” images are my way of journaling. I’m finding that to be more truth than jest.  I find them good therapy. 

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Monte Stevens
4 years ago

Thank you for sharing more fall colors and leaves with your digital expressions. I’m liking them, hoping you are enjoying creating them. Love seeing what the creative juices in others brings. I also see it as your journaling and know the power of its therapy.

4 years ago

I really like the colorful backlighting here. Almost like a stained glass window.