By county and soon to be state orders my body must “stay-at-home” but my mind and spirit can roam.   It seemed time for a little mental getaway and what is better than getting back to nature?  Nothing I think.

These photos are from the road trip Bonnie and I took just before COVID-19 became an issue.  I’m very thankful we did it when we did.

I fear it might be a long while before another such travel opportunity presents itself.


Stay well, everyone!

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4 years ago

Certainly looks like a gorgeous part of the world Earl. And you have created some equally gorgeous photos. I haven’t been to the Maury River but these photos are certainly making my mind and spirit roam. I used to tell my kids, nurture and feed your imagination and it will guarantee you freedom no matter where you find yourself.
Keep well, the three of you.

Monte Stevens
4 years ago

It seems more people are getting back to nature during this stay-at-home time. More people are out walking around the neighborhood but keeping the physical distancing. With less traffic and other manmade noises we are hearing more of the sounds of nature. Glad you guys were able to get out there.