“Look…see, I told you all those peoples are gone. They’ve been locked down.” “What, you mean like in a zoo?”


There’s not so many “nets to mend” when you’re not only retired but have been retired for some time.  However, there’s always my personal projects, even if they’re not important to any one else.  

I made this photo of these two large giraffe figures looking out the front window of a store to a deserted street before the COVID-19 countermeasures were in effect. It was made at a time of day when few people were out and about and as such seemed fitting to use for a little off-key humor. 

I’m sure with awareness many animal species would agree we ‘peoples’ should have been locked down long ago.  There’s been a few articles indicating parts of our planet may be getting a brief breathing spell while ‘peoples’ are locked down. 



On a more serious local note.  One week in and there are signs Trump is starting to feel political pressure to loosen social distancing policies and get the economy going again.   I guess eventually we’ll be at the point nationally, where older citizens and those with compromised physical or immune systems are expected to take one for the team. The one percent will certainly have excellent health care, no matter what, and for the rest of us…thoughts and prayers! 

All real efforts at saving people in the US from COVID-19 has been at the state levels.  I’ve gotten much more information, inspiration and confidence by watching NY Governor Cuomo’s daily briefings than those daily Trump propaganda rallies.   Tits on a boar hog is how I’d describe the Trump administration (if I’m being polite.)  On appearance, the only thing they seem competent at is funneling money to big business, the rich and of course themselves.   

In truth, the current restrictions and medical policies are primarily about trying to keep the hospital systems from being overrun which would result in many critical cases not being able to receive extreme care.  At this point it’s not about stopping or curing the virus and it’s a given fact we can’t afford to stop the economy long-term.   So unless there’s some miracle cure or break-thru in the immediate future COVID-19 will eventually infect 40-80% of the population.  Then you just have to roll the dice, friends.  

Hang in there folks… it’s only Week Two of distancing/shutdowns for us here in the USA.  I’m sure there’s much more to come…I just can’t wait!  🙄 😭



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Tom Dills
4 years ago

The best we can hope for at this point is that Governor Cooper (I think you are in NC) continues to join his fellow governors in providing more definitive leadership and decision making than our reality TV star president. Unfortunately we are living in an era of impatience and want it to be over before it’s over. Just like we can’t drive on the newly poured concrete until it is fully cured, we can’t just send people back out to infect each other while the disease is spreading. Although I fear that’s exactly what will happen, as we’ve seen in countries now past the peak after they loosened their grip just a bit.

I’m glad to not have to make the decision about whether or not to go to work. Getting to the grocery store once or twice a week is plenty of risk, thanks. And government edict or not, I think we will continue to stay out of the general public as much as possible. I hope you, Bonnie & Maggie are holding up OK under the circumstances.

4 years ago

I have only been sporadically watching the daily briefings. Yesterday he seemed at least a little more toned down, teleprompter version and made statements to discourage people from racial profiling – despite his own statements could be used as a catalyst for that. I know hose moments only last as long as the next tweet and we just have to deal with those in charge for the meantime, warts and all. Look for the little bits of sanity in between, however rare they may be.

4 years ago
Reply to  Earl

Could be a big money maker!

I just got an offer from Ghana to transfer $1.5 billion, could be some nice seed money for a startup.

4 years ago
Reply to  Earl

Money is a bit tight lately, so this will come in handy at the perfect time.

Monte Stevens
Monte Stevens
4 years ago

I’ve not been keeping up with all the news but finding it from friends and family. I felt for years our political systems we have in place are based on economics rather than on people. When that happens in a capitalistic society the poor suffer. It is disheartening to me. But, I also know there is some good things people are doing without the need for any government. As Mark said, “little bits of sanity.” I’ve already lost money in my IRA and will see more go away. It’s frightening that some people are already wiped out.