An enjoyable morning venture with photographic rewards.
We step cautiously so as not to slip on the wet bricks. Few people appear to be out and about, but a quick check finds boutique coffee shops filled with the murmured conversation and tables occupied.
While in and out of unique and interesting shops, my thoughts keep returning to the street. It’s overcast, the rain has ended, and the remaining sogginess enhances deep shadows, contrasts, reflections, and strong color saturation…a photographically rich environment.
Colors are deeper…blacks are blacker, reds are redder, and I’ve identified additions for my small red umbrella photo collection. My efforts to capture what my mind perceives begins.
Soon our time for the morning’s venture is up. It was a short enjoyable dalliance that provided a few photographs to share. The simple things… :-)
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Charlottesville. My only visit there was to the UVA hospital, although I’ve passed through. Hope to get back and see the town. Nice collection of photos from your time there.
Thanks, Tom.
I do love the saturation the rain brings. Great additions to that collection!
Thanks, Mark.
I like these a lot Earl. You’ve captured/created a great look. The second photo is a banger; loads of paths for the eyes to take with a nice red umbrella for them to come back to and rest on. These remind me of when I lived in the UK with my wife, I bought her a red umbrella because it always looked so good in pictures. And it was really useful considering it would just about always rain at some point during our hikes :)
Thanks, Cedric. An amusing story about your wife and the red umbrella. It sounds like something I’d do and having lived in the UK for three years I can well understand it’s frequent use. Take care!
Love this series but number two is the one that captures me. And, I think you have done a wonderful job with the words to accompany the images, although they can speak for themselves.
Thanks, Monte. Yeah, that #2 image seems to be everyone’s pick, including me!