aggie has always loved to hunt and give chase…most dogs do but this has always been a focused passion with Maggie, probably due at least in part to the Walker Treeing Coon Hound in her family tree.  On this morning’s walk, we happened upon a White-Tail Deer standing statue-still at the edge of a patch of woods.  A flicker of the deer’s ears grabbed Maggie’s attention which prompted a stare-down contest between the two.  Now from my own experience of Maggie’s laser beam unblinking stare, which she uses on me when it’s time for food or for her to go outside, I could have advised the deer it had little chance of winning this contest.  I seldom win.  This stare-down continued long enough for me to get my phone and take several “less-than-sharp” photos before the deer finally conceded defeat and dashed into the woods with Maggie excitedly wanting to pursue.

There was a day when Maggie could have given that deer a “run for its money.”   In the past, I’ve seen Maggie, when having a bit of an angle advantage, catch and nip at a deer’s heels quickly followed by a celebratory bark of victory.  But the advancement of age along with some extra weight has made those swift successful chases no longer possible and I believe in some way Maggie understands this.  

So Maggie and I stood there watching the deer disappear into the woods as I commiserated with her  saying, “Yeah, me too Maggie, me too!” :-)


P.S.  During a later nap I’m certain Maggie did successfully chase and catch that deer in one of her dreams.  



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4 years ago

Haha, that’s ok Maggie – sounds like she got to play it out in her head at least. Great story, and thanks for sharing it.

4 years ago

Sergio Leone could have used Maggie in his Westerns I’m sure. If only you’d had a zoom lens, you could have done a dramatic shoot transitioning from the deer’s eyes to Maggie’s, back and forth, with an Ennio Morricone track playing to build up the tension. You could have called it “Dog With No Name” or “A Fistful of Doggy Treats” :)

Monte Stevens
4 years ago

I can relate to both of you. :-)