“The official name for smartphone addiction is Nomophobia which is defined as having a fear of not being with your phone. Cell phones have been around for years though, so why the sudden increase in personal dependence? Well quite simply, it’s defined by the nature of the content on the device… we’re talking internet, social networks, apps, video, music and so on.” ~ bankmycell
’ve recently had extended opportunities to people watch in public places… from waiting on Bonnie while she does physical therapy (she broke her arm a while back but is recovering nicely) to Maggie’s many visits at a nearby large public off-leash dog park. Over and over I’ve observed people checking in and then checking out with a smartphone in front of their face. They may be so absorbed they ignore their name being called or are totally oblivious to what their dog may be doing or all happening around them. How many of us have seen people having lunch together but all of them are sitting silently checking their phones? What an addictive/dependent society we live in.
Now don’t get me wrong, I enjoy having a smartphone and it’s a handy tool for providing information or as a quick camera. However, my current phone is a couple of years overdue for an upgrade and I’m still hesitant to do it because I don’t feel I use it enough to justify the cost. A better phone camera is the strongest personally motivation for my upgrading.
It would be tempting to snap my fingers and do away with all smartphones if I had an all-powerful gauntlet similar to that of Thanos in The Avengers…thus also ending a certain president’s tweets…oh so very tempting! ;-) But I try to remember the good services smartphones provide, the lives they save and the important video documentation they often capture. I’m getting older and perhaps my age is behind my ‘gripes’ with certain things today. But I was born in much simpler times and from that viewpoint, in my opinion, not all the recent changes have not been improvements and we may be losing more than we’re gaining.
Grumble…Grumble…Grumble :-)

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I think part of that fear of being without is also caused by others with expectations of being connected 100% of the time. Kind of like how pagers were referred to as “electronic leashes.”
Then there is this whole 24/7 news cycle. It’s all a bit much for me lately. The more I am “informed” – the more stressed I become. And yet, not being informed is also a stressor. It seems like a Catch22. Hard to find balance.
Mark, I can understand that compulsion to be ‘connected’ as I often feel it and your right, there are expectations by others of us being ‘online’ 100% of the time. The old “Where were you, I tried to reach you.” It might indicate a problem when people are taking vacations where one of the main positives is being ‘disconnected.’ I don’t know that the human brain is comfortable to be ‘on’ and ‘connected’ every waking moment. Perhaps humanity will evolve and excel to this possibility in the future but that might be a mixed blessing.
I struggle as well with trying to find and keep a balance between being bombarded by constant ‘news’ and staying “informed.” Then there’s the added stress of having to be suspicious of everything published or said these days what with lying and false presentation masquerading as truth and factual reaching an all-time high. I sometimes wonder if perhaps I’m just an antique in my thinking truth and honesty should still matter.
Thanks for your visit and comment!
For sure you are not antique in your thinking. The thing is, it takes so much darn time to really dig into what IS the truth, what is spin, and what is just a flat out lie or misrepresentation. I think because of that effort, and the volume of information, people just believe whatever their worldview tends to bias them towards. It is a real shame, and probably at the root of a lot of the polarization in this country.
And because I tend to engage in a lot of environmental news, I am just bombarded by story after story about this or that going to hell. I know generally we are not on a good path, and probably some of these stories might have exaggerations in them. There is just not enough time in the day to spend looking into them in depth. It seems any news these days wants to prey on the emotional factors of getting people to respond, getting people to click. They have to serve up those ads! It has made me extremely cynical about a lot of stuff, and that is probably not a good place to be.
I’ve read articles (ironically in the news) about people that tune out of the news and are generally happier for it. That I believe is TRUE. :-)
A better phrasing I should have used would have been “antiquated thinking.”
I agree people, in general, tend to gravitate towards the viewpoints and information that supports and agrees with their own views…it’s much easier that way. I try to be open-minded enough to consider all sides of issues but I’m having a hard time of it these days. In the extreme…watching or reading a few minutes of FOX news and I’m either mad as hell or about to puke! I’m sure the ultra-right feels the same way about MSNBC or similar others.
To your final point, I believe those who cut themselves off from all/most external news and information are probably happier. No doubt one reason for the saying “ignorance is bliss.” I, however, feel there’s a responsibility or duty as citizens and human being in general to participate and in some small part try to make what efforts we can to leave this world a bit better than we found it. Sometimes I wonder if real ‘ignorance’ may be believing it makes any difference at all.
Excellent image, Earl. I have recently (2 days ago) had to purchase a new cell phone and I bought the Moto Z with the Hasselblad modual. My old Moto had a decent camera capable of very close focus so I thought I’d stick with something I was already comfortable with. I haven’t played around with the Hasselblad that much, so the jury is still out on it. It does shoot RAW, though. , and the files are saved in the DNG format. Also, the phone and the camera were much cheaper than the Samsung or Apple phones. The Achilles heel with the new phone is the same as with the old phone – the battery is not user replaceable.
Thanks, Ken. I’ve seen the Moto Z and its exchangeable moduals advertised but I didn’t realize the camera modual was a Hasselblad. Cool…I’d be interested in hearing your experience with it. I like the RAW and DNG capabilities! I’ve been invested in Apple products for years now and everything seems to work well together so for the same basic reasons you mentioned I’d probably stick with an iPhone in the future, but the prices have become ridiculous, in my opinion. I don’t even know of a smartphone these days that has a user replaceable battery but some years ago I had a clam-shell phone which had one. Can you say O-L-D school?
Thanks for taking the time to comment. Take care!
Kathy and I have been discussing the same subject recently and have made similar observations. We always like to give 100% attention to the person we’re with or the task at hand, not spend lunch or dinner communicating with someone not at the table!
My theory is that we get “sucked in” gradually and without realizing it and eventually become so connected that it takes over. Only by taking control and mindfully disconnecting can we regain some amount of freedom. As you said, the phone can be a useful tool when used for that purpose but the potential for negative consequences is high.
Sorry to hear about Bonnie’s arm but glad to hear she’s on the mend!
Thanks, Tom.
I “had to” upgrade my smartphone a couple weeks ago but not sure “had to” is the correct working. The phone was five years old, ran at a negative speed and would reboot whenever it wanted. I actually hardly used it during its last few weeks. I found it quite enjoyable but it did take some adjustmenting.
I’m one who has separated myself from the news. I cather bits and pieces from those around me and glances at headlines. I will not hesitate to ask those who are in the know what’s happening. I just do not want all that stuff in my head nor trying to wiggle through the news. I do not lay in bed worrying about the state of affairs.
Monte, I can identify with the “had to” upgrading of a smartphone. My phone is at least 4+ models behind the current ones and is fairly stable even though it’s slow and is exhibiting a shorter battery life. So it’s still basically functional. Besides my enjoying having the camera capabilities the main reason I even like having one is in case of emergencies…mine or family. If not for those reasons I might consider doing away with it.
We each are going to have to find our own comfort levels with the new social media and 24/7 information society. But from observation, it’s pretty clear many people seem a little addicted.