There are signs that the summer of 2018 might be winding down in the Piedmont of North Carolina, which is good since it’s now Fall.  Certainly, we’re far from the recent frost warnings Monte mentioned in Colorado but at least daily highs are only in the low 80’s (F) now.  The best thing about this break in the weather (besides perhaps a couple of months of lower electric bills) is it’s more enjoyable to be outside and the outside becomes even more enjoyable with increasing autumn colors in the foliage.

As you might have noticed I’ve made very few new photos this year which I feel are worthy of posting.  I do feel the urge for taking camera-in-hand again but until that time I’ll continue harvesting images from my archives.

The image below is another from the city of Bilbao in northern Spain.  Bilbao is the tenth largest city in Spain, with a population of over 300k.  Sadly, our visit to Bilbao was a brief stop on our auto journey affording only a few hours spent walking the beautiful city streets.  In the photo you can see the Zubizuri (Basque for “white bridge”) which is a tied arch footbridge across the Nervion River in Bilbao, Spain. Designed by architect Santiago Calatrava, the bridge links the Campo Volantin right bank and Uribitarte left bank of the river. What this image doesn’t show is the pedestrian bridge’s very unusual design consisting of a curved walkway which is supported by steel suspension cables from an overhead arch. The structure of the bridge is painted white and the bridge deck consists of translucent glass bricks.


Along the downtown Nervion riverwalk/park in the beautiful city of Bilbao, Spain
Along the downtown Nervion riverwalk/park in the beautiful city of Bilbao, Spain



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Monte Stevens
6 years ago

You really did have a wonderful trip when you went to Spain. You may need to make a return trip.

A shiver went down my spine when you mentioned translucent glass bricks. I am afraid of heights so looking down through those bricks I’d be gripping the railing.

And, it was 40 degrees went I headed for the bus stop.

Monte Stevens
6 years ago

Totally understand the reality of life’s situations.

6 years ago

The weather has been quite unpredictable up here. Some unseasonably warm days, then plummets the next. Still, I am looking forward to the seasonal change as I always do.

That town in Spain looks quite nice. I haven’t looked it up on a map, but I have also read the Spanish coast is quite nice. Maybe someday.