There is nothing constant in the universe. All ebb and flow, and every shape that’s born, bears in its womb the seeds of change.
— Ovid 

Publius Ovidius Naso, known as Ovid in the English-speaking world, was a Roman poet who lived during the reign of Augustus. He was a contemporary of the older Virgil and Horace, with whom he is often ranked as one of the three canonical poets of Latin literature.

It’s hard to believe in a couple of months a whole year will have passed since Bonnie and I stopped full-time RV’ing.  Where has the time gone?  Our reason for stopping was centered on our 10 year old dog  Maggie struggling with the lifestyle.  Happily, she’s responded well to additional stability, although she still becomes frantic with storms or loud noises and continues to take daily meds.  Maggie is also terribly dependent upon us (me) or at least I feel she is.  She’s seldom found more than 3 feet from me and follows me everywhere, even room to room.  So on those occasions when we leave her at home to go out for a while I tend to do a bit of a guilt trip and worry about her.  Bonnie would tell you this is all my issue, not Maggies, and I know in my head she’s right.  I’m working on getting better about it and we continue to try and improve the situation overall.  

We’ll be relocating/moving sometime between now and the end of the year.  Not to a new area but just to a new place that is hopefully a little easier to have a life with a dog.  The great thing is we have kept the minimalist ways we adopted from selling our home, including nearly all our accumulated stuff, and living in an RV for three years. So, since we travel light moving is simpler for us than for most.  On reflection I don’t believe we’ll ever be owned by things again…keeping life simple is almost a daily mantra for us.  At this time we intend to stay in the Charlotte area for another year due to family ties.  

Every once in a blue moon I’ll say something off the top of my head that later turns out to be significant or memorable.  I claim no credit and can only believe it’s a higher universal power lending me a hand as I stumble through life.  When we stopped RV’ing I said finding our “final” home would be a hop, skip and jump process.  We did the hop to where we are now, we’re getting ready in the next couple months to do the skip and we already have some ideas on a future jump.  Life is full of curves so we’ll just have to wait and see where it takes us.  :-)


The flowing shapes of the metallic walls at the Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Spain
The flowing shapes of the metallic walls at the Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Spain

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Cedric Canard
6 years ago

That is a beautiful piece of architecture, or at least, your representation of it in your photo makes it look that way.

All the best with the “skip” to the new place. Wishing you a smooth transition, though considering your acquired minimalist lifestyle, that’s pretty much a sure thing :)

Monte Stevens
Monte Stevens
6 years ago

Thanks for the update on Maggie and the skip about to take. This resonated with me, “On reflection I don’t believe we’ll ever be owned by things again…keeping life simple is almost a daily mantra for us.” I’m much more aware of some of the things and thoughts that possess me. As I release them traveling through life is much easier.

6 years ago

The thought of just being able to purge most of the things around my house is incredibly appealing to me. So I am envious of your opportunity to do that.

Glad Maggie is still doing reasonably well!

6 years ago
Reply to  Mark

For years Bonnie and I lived lives of accumulated things and I certainly don’t mean to suggest the actual process of purging our many possessions back in 2014-2015 was easy. It was stressful and a time of uncertainty but we brought in an outside group that handled it for a percentage of the return. We only had to take the few things we wanted to keep and then literally stay out of the way. 🤗 When it was done both Bonnie and I felt a huge weight had been lifted…one which we hadn’t been aware of before. It’s that feeling of relief which keeps us from ever wanting to go back.

Thanks about Maggie…I guess I should have kept quiet as this has been a bad week for her. 😞

6 years ago
Reply to  Earl

Oh, hoping she is ok.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Maggies has been agitated/panicked due to a new nearby noise source…it’s Bonnie and me who may not live through it! 😬 LOL

6 years ago
Reply to  Earl

Oh, sorry to hear that. I assume you have tried a variety of medications, remedies for her anxiety? Sorry though, tough on all of you. Unless you want me to send some good ol’ Detroiters down to take care of that noise for you. :-)