Through My Minds Eye
Through My Minds Eye


I’ve been a little preoccupied with other “life” things and haven’t been focused on visiting friends blogs, material for this blog or photography in general.  I have been thinking about what we see and how we view it through our own unique individual filters.  Reality is something we create for ourselves and can be like smoke, changing in life’s breezes.  From these thoughts, the above image.  ;-)

“Who knows the true definition of real?”
― James Dashner, The Eye of Minds

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Cedric Canard
6 years ago

Don’t know if there’s an answer to that question but it can be fun trying to find it :)

And understanding ourselves always seems to make life a little easier.

I like where that train of thought took you Earl.

6 years ago

I suppose “truth” in on the minds of a lot of people these days. Same goes for visual references. I recall a story I read once on just the differences people have of what the color red is. And certainly, a human’s perception is different than other animals with similar or larger brains. Regardless, I love how this thinking evolved into the image here. Love the concept, and nicely executed.

Monte Stevens
6 years ago

Yes, a question to carry along in life and be the source of more questions. As Cedric suggests, the answer(s) is probably never attainable or never fully understood. In fact the question may not be fully understood. Love it!

I have not been too excited about keeping up with all the blogs I have been following. I had 29 to read this morning and have tried to comment on those that triggered a response.