Perhaps it’s the recent heat and humidity which has me drawn to these beach scenes or the almost daily rain storms. Of course with climate change, melting ice packs and the more common occurrence of intense long-lasting weather patterns perhaps we all should learn to paddle-board. Of course in the western US, which is currently on fire, they would welcome our weather. I wish we could send it to them, but not in exchange for theirs! :-?
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We are in the middle of winter down-under but it is still warm enough to go to the beach where I live, but then again, that’s just about always been the case for us ;)
We’ve regularly been hitting the feels-like triple digits (ºF) here but I’m trying to hold my complaints as so many other regions in the world are experiencing triple digits in actual temperature. It’s the humidity here which gets to you…it often feels like a sauna outside and when you step out into it you have to remind yourself to breath. Plus during the last 3 years, we became spoiled by being able to follow cooler temperatures in our RV travel destinations. :-)
Yes, we are on fire out this way. However, the past couple of days we have felt the oncoming fall with cooler mornings. It was 52 degrees this morning and enjoyable to me. With students starting classes this morning it all has the feel of Fall.
Here’s hoping cooler temperatures are in store for us soon, Monte. But, from your latest post and photo, I see you’re having to deal with the smoke pollution from all the wildfires. :-(