"Distant Storm" - South of Big Timber, MT - 2016
“Distant Storm” – South of Big Timber, MT – 2016

“…and when the tension receded there was calm, the calm that is called before the storm, but is in reality the foundation of a human life, waiting there for us between the steps of our march to our mortality, when we are compelled to pause and not act but be.”
― Mohsin Hamid, Exit West

There’s been cause to pause this week with the loss, from their own hands, of two well known, talented and creative people.  That and reports of suicide rates sharply increasing in the U.S.  

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6 years ago

Was a sad week indeed. Tony B once did a great write up about Detroit: https://www.wxyz.com/news/read-anthony-bourdain-s-blog-post-about-detroit-i-love-detroiters-

6 years ago

Btw Earl just thought you’d like to know something on the backend of your site seems to be causing some delays?

Monte Stevens
6 years ago

The loss of lives can be painful for family and friends, whether that is expected or unexpected. Add to that the feelings of why and loss is painful.
Love this image!

Cedric Canard
Cedric Canard
6 years ago

I hadn’t heard of Tony Bourdain before. It seems like he was an interesting kind of fellow who lived a fascinating life to say the least. Who is the second person you wrote of?

What a beautiful image you’ve captured. The landscape looks amazing. I’m imagining living in a little cabin with that view. That would be something.

I also like the quote. Calm, the foundation of human life. I like that.

Alexander S. Kunz
6 years ago

Beautiful. I love open empty landscapes like this prairie. I guess I need to visit Montana soon. :-)