Forensic Red Berries on Misty Morning

“The painter constructs, the photographer discloses.” ~ Susan Sontag

…and I sometimes struggle.


*Red Berry Tree: Yaupon (Ilex vomitoria) member of the Holly family.

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Tom Dills
6 years ago

I like the quiet and peaceful feel of this photo, Earl. If those were Holly leaves it would look like Christmas.

Cedric Canard
6 years ago

Seems to me like your struggle paid off Earl. This feels like something new from you, or at least it feels different to your other photographs. I just went back through your galleries and I couldn’t find anything that compares to this in style. The palette of colours and the bokeh are glorious. Each half of your picture is a beautiful image in its own right but together like this, well, it’s rather glorious. I will go further and say that this photograph proves Sontag’s quote to be wrong. The aesthetic eloquence of this image was not simply disclosed, it was masterfully constructed. This kind of balance between light, tone, composition, depth of field and contrast, is put together with care and intent, even if the execution is performed with the mere push of a button.

Cedric Canard
6 years ago
Reply to  Earl

Looking forward to it :)

6 years ago

I like this image very much Earl.

6 years ago

This is a hauntingly beautiful photo. Well done!

6 years ago

That’s quite lovely, Earl. I love the muted tones … it seems to bring everything into focus, or at least those important parts! Well done on your departure from your norm!

Monte Stevens
6 years ago

Yes, keep up the struggles if this is what you give us.