Most of “bones” of this moved and revised ‘Meandering Passage’ are finished. However, I’m not completely happy with the posts featured image slideshow at the top of the homepage. So, this whole section may yet change.

While the “bones” are there I still have a lot of work to do reimporting images to the galleries and inputting database records for the travel logs. On the old site, my galleries were in a separate Piwigo Photo Gallery but I’m bringing them all into WordPress with the Envira Galleries plugin. All the photos will be imported manually. I also want to tie the travel logs in with corresponding image galleries where appropriate.

Speaking of photos and images, about 10 months ago I quit using Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop. I’d been a subscriber to Adobe’s photographer software subscription service since it first began but with RV’ing the last three years and using only a small laptop I was looking for something lighter weight for image post-processing. I also didn’t like the Lightroom catalog (database) design and to be honest I’m not a fan in general of software subscription business models.

Alien Skin Exposure X3

I’m now using Alien Skin Exposure X3 in place of Lightroom and Affinity Photo in place of Photoshop. I’ve been pleased with both. But then I’m not, and have never been, a power-user by any measure. Alien Skin has been steadily improving Exposure X3 to close some of the functional gaps with Lightroom. Exposure X3 is non-destructive, has layers, does RAW file processing, has extensive image adjustments and provides file management without needing a catalog — sidecar files are used for changes/adjustments. It’s fairly fast even on my laptop. Affinity Photo can read or write Photoshop native files and has many of the capabilities of Photoshop. Of course, the integration between Exposure X3-Affinity Photo is not as “tight” as with the Adobe products but with a few adjustments in my workflow, it’s been fairly easy to become accustomed to.

Affinity Photo

This combination works for me…but different folks have different needs so your mileage may vary.

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Cedric Canard
6 years ago

I’ve been looking at Affinity apps (photo and designer) for a while now. The Windows 10 apps seem highly functional and Affinity Photo appears to be a worthy replacement for Photoshop. Nice to see someone whose judgement I trust, confirm this. If I ever get back into photography, I will look more seriously into it. My only concern with it, is that it is too cheap. That probably sounds like a weird concern to have but for the price they charge I have to wonder whether they will last, and if they do, whether the quality will remain. Software developers ate not cheap and at $60 a pop for the software, they will need to pull a lot of people away from Lightroom and Photoshop to remain in business.
Still, having said that, considering the ultra low volume of photos I make these days, swapping over would probably make more sense :)

Monte Stevens
6 years ago

It was good to read your post about Exposure X3 and Affinity Photo. I’ve been reading what I can about them and liking what I read. I’m still using LR4 and PS Elements. :-) I will be interested in seeing if and where Affinity Photo goes with data management. Since I’m not a pro I don’t need anything overly powerful. And, again, we are back to this obsolescence idea.

6 years ago

Interesting read on your experience with pulling the Adobe plug. I think I am much, much too dependent on all the plugins, luminosity masks, etc that I have grown to like with PS to go cold turkey. I also truly hate the subscription model, and more so, it seems so many software companies are going towards this for everything. From a business standpoint, I can see the benefits, but it is a hard pill to swallow as a user when you are paying subscriptions for everything.