The last couple of days I’ve been in the process of changing Internet Hosting for Meandering Passage and have discovered for one reason or the other the “auto” relocation/move plugins will not work for me. So, I’m moving it all the old fashion/manual way ~~ “fun-and-games.” :-)

The last two days the DNS has been bouncing between the new site and the old site IP addresses. I’ve been happily working on the new site and suddenly an error will pop up saying I’m not authorized because without my knowledge DNS somewhere switched back to pointing to my old site address. However after 48 hours I think it’s mostly stabilized on the new host site now — I hope! You may need to clear history or you cache on your browser.

My reasons for this move is my old host had been silently sold or merged without my being aware of it and they’ve not updated their servers in years.

So, if you notice some “funky things” on the site, give it another week and then if it’s still wrong please let me know.


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7 years ago

Always a bit of a nerve wrecking thing to pick up and move hosts. I stayed for the longest time at a bad host (Lunarpages) just out of worry of moving or it being a lot of work. I am content for now at InMotion, but a little wary that they haven’t quite worked out all the quirks of their special WordPress hosting plans which I am on now.

One thing I did discover when I moved from a standard server to a new WordPress server (similar to changing hosts all together) was that since I am now using Cloudflare, all I needed to do was enter a new IP address in my Cloudflare settings after the site was migrated.

Anyway – hope all goes well with the transition. I am very wary of big companies gobbling up smaller ones and then everything goes to hell. That’s exactly what happened at Lunarpages and so many other hosts I’ve read about.

So where did you end up?

6 years ago

Well hey neighbor as well!! :-)

To be perfectly honest, I wonder how much Cloudflare actually benefits me these days aside from some extra security and bandwidth savings. I was on a paid plan, but dumped that as it wasn’t worth the $20/month for the benefits. So I just use the free one now. It does allow me to put up extra barriers against typical hacker countries instead of IP by IP. I implemented it mostly because of resource usage, but I don’t know if that is an issue now with the IMH WordPress front end cache stuff.

Most of the optimization settings on Cloudflare don’t play nice with my theme and other plugins I have, so I leave them off. As it’s free, and doesn’t seem to do any harm, and does block threats, I am not messing with it for now. I do have to remember to turn the cache for Cloudflare off when I am making a lot of changes as it leads to more confusion. I never know if something is cached at Cloudflare, at InMotion server end, or in my WordPress.

InMotion has tons of tutorials and help pages which I like. I have used their Support Chat more times than I care to admit. Mostly positive interactions there, really depends on the tech you get. I have only had 1 or 2 that were of no help.

My big problem right now is getting my PageSpeed rating up. Everything I do that helps the rating breaks something else.