A moment in the shade to read, Venice, Italy - July 2012
A moment in the shade to read, Venice, Italy – July 2012

What with finally sitting still for a while my minds drifting back to previous travels and things seen. So be forewarned, there will be some random photos dragged up from my archived photo “swamp.”

I purchased a larger monitor to plug my 13″ MacBook Pro so I can actually see these dang photos when I post-process them. My MacBook screen is very sharp, actually higher DPI then the new monitor, but just too small for my eyes.  :-)

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Monte Stevens
7 years ago

You two have put in a few miles the past 5 or so years so we know the are photos and stories yet untold. So, bring on the photos and the stories that go along with them. I’m ready!

Tom Dills
7 years ago

So “Meandering Passage” doesn’t pertain only to the body… it’s interesting to look back at old work with a different perspective. Looking forward to seeing what’s been hiding in the swamp!