Maggie enjoying the snow – Jan 17th, 2018

Still a little sad about ending our RV’ing lifestyle but the cold weather these last few weeks has made it easier to deal with…especially since we had been planning to winter further north this year. ;-)  Then there’s also  the fact that Maggie seems to be reacting positively to the change.

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Monte Stevens
7 years ago

That’s good news about Maggie! Seems she may have wanted to play in snow as well as a sand beach. Stay warm!

Kathryn and John Hester

Love this photo of Maggie! We had temps in the 20s last night here in Galveston. No water due to hose freezing this morning, but John swapped it out with our spare hose and it is working fine. And we’re using lots of propane to heat because the heat pumps will not turn on when it is this cold! VERY unusual cold weather here! We leave for Corpus Christi Sunday, hopefully it warms up. Miss you guys.

7 years ago

Good to hear on Maggie. Nice shot of her.

7 years ago
Reply to  Earl

I’m glad she is improving and hope you and Bonnie are adjusting back to the old ways again. I’m sure it must be quite a change.