A day without heavy rain provided an opportunity to explore the nearby Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park. In addition to the postponement of rain, Maggie’s good response to Xanax made it possible to bring her along without the stress she was experiencing before the introduction of this medication. It made for a nice venture out for all of us!



The RV park where we are, Holiday Travel Park of Chattanooga (TN,) is located on part of the battlefields of these two military campaigns. In the southwest corner of the RV park stands a monument to the 84th Indiana Volunteer Regiment which was erected after the Civil War by some of the men from that regiment who became famous for their fighting in the Chattanooga area.



The battle of Chickamauga in September, 1863, was a Confederate victory while the November, 1963, battle for Chattanooga was a Union victory. The Chattanooga victory has been described as the “Death Knell of the Confederacy” with the city becoming an important Union supply and communication base which later supported Union General William T. Sherman’s 1864 Atlanta campaign.



The 3,300 acre park is a beautiful combination of forest and open fields located over a rolling landscape. As with most military parks there are placards, monuments and displays describing the order-of-battle and positions of units at different days and times of the battles.  Perhaps it was because it had been a warm and wet spring but it seemed the park wasn’t as well groomed as I’ve experienced at other similar parks, or perhaps, this condition is related to recent budget cuts.



As a young boy growing up I use to have an idealists’ romantic concept of the Civil War. But now I view it as a terrible, ugly blight in our history…a period when the very heart and soul of our nation was at risk.  There is no honor, integrity or pride in efforts striving to make those who are seen as different, be it race, religion, lifestyle or belief, less than equal.  Recent events have clearly shown we as a nation are still struggling with these core concepts.



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Monte Stevens
7 years ago

Yes, we are struggling with those concepts. I am one who read and was intrigued with WWII battles with an upbringing set in nationalism. Vietnam was in full swing when I enlisted with intention of going there. But, I was not sent and in hind sight am grateful. War does not solve any problem.

Monte Stevens
7 years ago

I haven’t seen many posts on your blog so wanted to check in and make sure all is well with you guys.