A forgotten bench along an overgrown path during autumn. Fort Mill, SC
A forgotten bench along an overgrown path during autumn. Fort Mill, SC

Around years’ end, thoughts often turn to the events of the current year and the prospects for the  upcoming one.

At some point this year, our RV adventure changed for me. It became an exciting act-of-living. I think the change was that difference in what Emerson described between  “getting ready to live and actually living.”

Strangly, along with this life awareness change my urge or need for photography lessened.  It’s  interrelated, so recently I’ve taken just a few photographs and written very few posts as I figure it all out.

The "bones" of a old fishing pier on a small country pond, Fort Mill, SC.
The “bones” of a old fishing pier on a small country pond, Fort Mill, SC.

I think most of us work or worked throughout our lives with the intention and dream of eventually having the time and means to relax and enjoy ourselves. Even vacations are often scheduled regiments designed to cram as much as humanly possible into an alloted time. The thing is, we can’t know how much time we each have. Therefore, waiting until we feel it’s safe or until we-are-ready to do what we really desire is scary in itself.

Bonnie and I understand how very lucky we are to be able to make the life choice we did two years ago.  We took a chance and refused to allow fear, naysayers and pure change to dishearten us.  The payback has been remarkable beyond description. We aren’t the same people who started this adventure in 2015. As with most things in this life, if we had only known then what we know now.

I believe a RV neighbor said it best this afternoon: “I was lucky enough to have a house for most of my life and even luckier now not to have one.”

One thing ends and something else begins — it’s all good.



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8 years ago

Very thoughtful reminder. Love these two photographs Brooks. Both seem symbolic of leaving something behind and moving forward. I admire your “adventure” (as if it had a final destination, right?). I admire the freedom of letting go of that constant weight of future planning for retirement, letting go of a lot of this stuff that we really don’t need to feel happy. While I do like calling a place “home” – I often question if that really has to be a stationary place.

Steve Skinner
8 years ago

Well said! I have experienced much change in my life since retiring, most welcomed but a little not so much. The change continues as my wife finally retires next month. We are excited to see what’s next.

Monte Stevens
8 years ago

Glad when you do post images and words. I’m also enjoying reading about this “exciting act-of-living” you and Bonnie are now experiencing. Brings a smile to my face. :-) What a life changing experience!

Andy Hooker
8 years ago

All so very true. Someone once said that every journey begins with a single step. You were bold enough to take that first step, not all of us are. This was a great Post to read and a reminder to us all to be bold and seize the day – Carpe Diem

Tom Dills
8 years ago

It was great to catch up with you and Bonnie last weekend and was especially nice to see firsthand how comfortable you have become in your “new” lives. There is a lot to be said for the adventure you have chosen. It’s clear that you did it for the reasons that are right for the two of you and it’s great that you are so happy with your choice. Many of us are fortunate enough to have the luxury of choice, but with choice comes the obstacles you mentioned. To the extent that we can keep the “fear, naysayers and pure change” at bay, the better able we are to identify our true goals. While the best we can hope for is to make decisions based on what seems right for us based on the information we have, it helps to do it with a healthy dose of skepticism to try and weed out the real obstacles from the imaginary or emotional ones. I know that many of us are eagerly anticipating where the next 12 months takes you!