An autumn mornings walk with Maggie along a path in Fort Mill, North Carolina.
An autumn mornings walk with Maggie along a path in Fort Mill, South Carolina.

One of my considerations for a “good RV park” is if it has easy access to an area where I can walk Maggie off leash. Maggie’s good about staying close to me and even those times she’s given chase of the stray squirrel or white tail deer she always comes bounding back in a few minutes.

In our current case, this walking area is a wooded path along a pond. The additional beauty of autumn leaves is certainly a bonus.

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Steve Skinner
8 years ago

Looks like a great spot for a late fall walk!

Monte Stevens
Monte Stevens
8 years ago

That image is so inviting. No wonder Maggie enjoys walking with you. Or is that the other way around? :-)

Andy Hooker
8 years ago

Glorious depth of colour in this shot – even the dog appears to be looking at it.