An overview of the lower sites and Douglas Lake from the hilltop sites at Anchor Down RV Resort, Dandridge, TN.
An overview of the lower sites and Douglas Lake from the hilltop sites at Anchor Down RV Resort, Dandridge, TN.

We arrived in Dandridge, Tennesee, yesterday after a long 365-mile drive which covered much of the length of the state. We originally built some down-time into our schedule for this stop to allow for rest and recharging. Good thing, because it’s certainly needed.

Our Vilano 5th Wheel and hilltop campsite at Anchor Down RV Resort, Dandridge, TN.
Our Vilano 5th Wheel and hilltop campsite at Anchor Down RV Resort, Dandridge, TN.

Since departing eastern Nebraska in mid-August we’ve traveled through and stayed at parks in Missouri, Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky. We broke from our schedule for a hurried side trip to northern Mississippi to have 5th Wheel adjustments/repairs performed at the VanLeigh factory service center. Yesterday’s drive put us back on our original schedule.  You can view a map of our travels and stopover points here.

Beautiful flowers at Anchor Down RV Resort, Dandridge, TN
Beautiful flowers at Anchor Down RV Resort, Dandridge, TN

During this period we have had two opportunities to physically catch up with people we haven been communicating with via FB.

A view Douglas Lake and the mountains beyond from a hill top at Anchor Down RV Resort, Dandridge, TN
A view Douglas Lake and the mountains beyond from a hill-top at Anchor Down RV Resort, Dandridge, TN

Before we started this adventure, Bonnie contacted a childhood friend, Kathy Goddard Hester, when she learned Kathy and her husband have been full-time RVing for a while.  Kathy shared her blog with us and a wealth of knowledge that she and her husband, John, have acquired along the way. In a stroke of luck we discovered Kathy and John were going to be at the same RV park in Kentucky that we were. It was great fun to catch up over dinner and drinks and to meet their beautiful and snuggly dog, Sadie.

Unfortunately, we didn’t get to take advantage of an opportunity to connect with our friends from Charlotte, Tom and Kathy Dills, who also happened to be in Kentucky. The timing on our part didn’t work out but we look forward to connecting with them when we return to Charlotte later this year.

Campsites, fireplaces and Douglas Lake beyond. Anchor Down RV Resort, Dandridge, TN
Campsites, fireplaces and Douglas Lake beyond. Anchor Down RV Resort, Dandridge, TN

In Mississippi, we met Jason and Kim Axberg at the VanLeigh Service Center. We “met” them via a FB friendship built around their purchase of their Vilano 5th Wheel. While the circumstance and surroundings  weren’t ideal for dinner or cocktails, we nevertheless enjoyed meeting them in person. They’re a wonderful couple who live in Texas with the most loving and tender hearted rescued pit bull, Bella.

Our Vilano 5th Wheel and campsite, Anchor Down RV Resort, Dandridge, TN.
Our Vilano 5th Wheel and campsite, Anchor Down RV Resort, Dandridge, TN.

Yes, it’s been a busy period, but a few days of peace and quiet, not to mention the lovely scenery and mountain air will work wonders.  This is the first time we’ve been on eastern time this year. :-)

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Kathy and John Hester
8 years ago

Enjoy your stay there. It looks gorgeous. We’re adjusting to being on the East Coast again, too. It was such fun spending some time with you, Bonnie, and Maggie. I am sure our paths will cross again in the not-too-distant future.

8 years ago

Welcome back to Eastern Time, Brooks! Looks like you picked a lovely spot to rejuvenate. Hopefully, I’ll get to see you again when you pass through Charlotte and surrounding areas.

Cedric Canard
8 years ago

Nice to see the adventure isn’t losing any of its shine. Looks like a lovely part of the world you’re in right now Brooks.

Monte Stevens
8 years ago

That is some beautiful country around the RV park! You have covered a lot of this country over the past year or so. I am glad you are sharing the experience with us because I’m enjoying the stories and images of this adventure. I’m even a tad envious! I suspect it’s time to be home and smooch on the grand babies for a bit. As always, safe travels!