Lower Falls, 308 feet (94 m), Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Lower Falls, 308 feet (94 m), Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

“We’re so busy watching out for what’s just ahead of us that we don’t take time to enjoy where we are.”  ― Bill Watterson

I’ve not been photographing much lately and posting even less. Maybe it’s a dry spell or some sort of creative block, I’m not sure. I just know I haven’t felt the need to do either.

That doesn’t mean I’ve been enjoying the journey less or things seen were less amazing or had less to teach me. Maybe as the moment becomes more important it also becomes enough.

We’re in eastern Nebraska and start heading east again this Sunday. We will be spending a couple of nights at each stop for a while as we work our way to Tennessee.  Once we arrive in the Nashville area we’re going to swing to northeastern Mississippi for a couple of days to visit the Vanleigh factory and get a few things adjusted/fixed/upgraded on our 5th Wheel. We continue to experience their great customer support.


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Cedric Canard
8 years ago

“Maybe as the moment becomes more important it also becomes enough” – Nicely put Brooks. Nice to know you are still enjoying life.

Monte Stevens
8 years ago

Totally agree with Cedric! We carry a camera “just in case” we are given an image but not because it’s that important.

8 years ago

Very cool, Brooks. Glad that you’re still enjoying the journey. Those desires to photograph come and go, I find. Anymore, I don’t worry about them. I know that it will be back, and if not, I still don’t worry about it. :)

8 years ago

C’mon, admit it… You’re dying to cut a lawn. :-)

Paul Maxim
Paul Maxim
8 years ago

Like so many others, I kind of decided to take the summer off. And most of what I’m doing photographically is learning how to do reasonably good time-lapse. Which, I’ve learned, takes a little bit of patience. But I’m hoping to use it extensively on our next trip. Especially at night. But right now there’s just nothing worth posting……..

The rest of my time seems to be eaten up by our presidential election cycle. It’s kind of like driving by a bad automobile accident – you just have to stop and take a long, hard look. Frankly, it scares the hell out of me. I don’t really care for either one of them, but the orange guy makes me want to move to New Zealand or something. I’ve been watching elections for over 50 years and I’ve never seen anything like this one. It’s embarrassing……..