Northern Utah…an entirely different type of beauty then southern Utah. We’re here in Brigham City until Sunday and then it’s northward to Idaho. It’s nice to see green grass again.

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Wow, the Vilano looks massive compared to that class A next to you. Traveling north will find much greener views. Idaho was one the prettiest places I experienced while traveling on the motorcycle. Hope you enjoy it and glad you’re liking the Vilano as much as you do.
Hi Monte, part of that impression was the angle/perspective of the photo but the Vilano is bigger then that particular Class A which I’d say is a 34-36′ model. The Vilano is 39′ and 12’11” high so it’s substantial, especially noticeable when adding a 21′ truck and maneuvering among the trees and tight sites at some parks. But I’m getting comfortable with it. It’s actually a foot shorter then the previous Alpine was.
We’re looking forward to our spring and summer exploring Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. We may hit the northern edge of Colorado as we head back eastward but I think it will be about the time of your southern visits.
Wow! That is quite different than southern Utah. I’ve never been that far north into Utah, though I’d like to go and see The Great Salt Lake. Also, never have been to Idaho and points north, save for Washington. I’m looking forward to seeing your photos of those places.
Yes, Paul, the scenery changes greatly between south and north Utah. While southern Utah is spectacular I’m finding the north to be more restful. I guess I like green grass and trees!