The existence of a hanging valley is often given away by dark stains on the canyon wall where an occasional waterfall pours over the cliff after heavy rains. Zion National Park, Utah.
The existence of a hanging valley is often given away by dark stains on the canyon wall where an occasional waterfall pours over the cliff after heavy rains. Zion National Park, Utah.

“In every real man a child is hidden that wants to play.” ~~ Friedrich Nietzsche

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Tom Dills
8 years ago

Extraordinarily beautiful country out there Brooks. But you’ve been posting faster than I can read and comment! Glad to see you are getting some exploring done. Great scenery and wonderful adventure!

Monte Stevens
8 years ago

It is an amazing area. And, good image for eARTh day!

8 years ago

Such magnificent drama in this shot, the strata, the fractured rock and that cleft to a different level – an extraordinary hanging valley, Stunning shot.