"For as far as the eye can see" - a view looking north from within the Red Cliffs Conservation Area, west of Hurricane, Ut. Looking closely you'll notice about mid way up on the right side, Interstate Highway 15.
“For as far as the eye can see” – a view looking north from within the Red Cliffs National Conservation Area, west of Hurricane, Ut. Looking closely you’ll notice about mid way up on the right side, Interstate Highway 15.

I have always loved the desert. One sits down on a desert sand dune, sees nothing, hears nothing. Yet through the silence something throbs, and gleams. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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8 years ago

What a beautiful view, Brooks! I love trees, but there is something quite enchanting about the desert … at least in the non-summer months. :D

Monte Stevens
8 years ago

Yes, we have a beautiful world full of variety.

8 years ago

I certainly can’t imagine those views getting old. Maybe next old timer you see you can ask? :-)