Pausing along the path, two bike riders take a few moments to enjoy the view, Red Cliffs National Conservation Area
Pausing along the path, two bike riders take a few moments to enjoy the view, Red Cliffs National Conservation Area, Utah.

“Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads” ~~ Henry David Thoreau, Walden

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Paul Maxim
Paul Maxim
8 years ago

I really like this Brooks, especially with the clouds and the two bike riders. I think the reds in that area look more vivid under dark clouds and the people definitely provide a sense of size and distance. Wish I was there right now!

Monte Stevens
8 years ago

Beautiful scene, Brooks. We have such a beautiful world. I for one need to venture out and experience it’s ability to heal and bring a bit of peace to me. I like the trail as it winds through the image.