Taking a short break en route. The new coach tows extremely well...better than our old one.
Taking a short break en route. The new coach tows extremely well…better than our old one.

We were fortunate weather-wise these last couple of days and out hearts and well wishes goes out to all those who were not as lucky.

Monday night we experienced very heavy blowing rains followed all day and night Tuesday by steady 18-25mph winds, with 30-40mph gusts. We honestly thought there was a good possibility the slide-out covers on our coach would rip off because of the extreme way the winds were flapping and popping them.  Apparently they are tougher than we thought because they came through without any notable damage.

By the time we were ready to begin heading west today, Wednesday,  it was clear skies and only a little breezy.

Out new home at Junction, Texas, for the next two nights.
Our new location in Junction, Texas, for the next two nights.

After an easy travel day of about 190 miles, we arrived at Junction, Texas, where we’ll stay two nights. We like having  “down days” between travel days to recharge, get groceries, etc.

Bonnie, checking out the landscape along the North Llano River.
Bonnie, checking out the landscape along the North Llano River.

As we began driving today we were laughing about feeling like we were going on vacation–an EXCITING vacation!

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Steve Skinner
9 years ago

Good to hear that you came out of the wind storm without a scratch.

Monte Stevens
Monte Stevens
9 years ago

Well, it’s about time you guys had a vacation! :-) I’m not sure but I think I’d travel like you by driving for 200 miles, stay for some period of time then move on another 200 miles. A purpose i see in full time Rving would be to see as much as I could of each area. Glad this new rig pulls better. That alone makes for a good experience.