
Here’s a brief recap of our RV travels for 2015 as depicted on the map above. Details on each of the stopover points can be found here.

# of RV’s: 2 (2014 Alpine 3495FL, 2016 Vilano 365RL)

# of Towing Trucks: 1 (2014 RAM 3500 Dually)

Total Towed Miles: 8087

Average MPG While Towing: 9-11

Additional (unhooked) Miles: 10000

Average MPG non-Towing: 16-21

# of Stops/Camping Locations: 42

# of States visited: 14 of 50 States (28%)

Longest Single Day Tow: 393 miles

Shortest Day Tow: 12 miles (working a multi-park job)

Longest Stay: 1 month (at both Cedar Key and Carrabella, FL)

Shortest Stay: 1 Night (Camp Lake Jasper, GA, while traveling back to NC from FL for the holidays)

In discussions of the year a number of things stand out:

  • The transition to this new lifestyle has been easier than we ever imagined and there hasn’t been a moment when we’ve regretted it. Even Maggie has adapted well. We plan to continue the adventure.
  • Within RV population, there are many social levels — from those driving 1/2 million dollar plus Class A rigs to those living in permanently parked RV’s who are only a step from homelessness. But at each level you’ll find some good people and some not so good…don’t prejudge.
  • No matter where you find yourself, there’s always something new to see and something new to be learned. Every stop has had a lesson; every person has been a teacher.

We wish everyone a very Happy New Year!


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Monte Stevens
9 years ago

That is a lot of traveling and places to visit but there is still a lot you have yet to cover. I’m also glad you have enjoyed yourselves and adjusted well to it. The only surprise is the number of unhooked miles, it is much more than I expected. Yet, many people commuting will triple that and see the same scenes each day. Your 10k miles is much better. :-) Happy New Year and looking forward to the 2016 Adventures.

Steve Skinner
9 years ago

Happy New Year and good traveling in 2016!

9 years ago

Your map really puts your travels into perspective Brooks. I was surprised by the unhooked miles also!

You seemed to have covered the SE US fairly well, do you plan to branch into other regions?

Wishing you, Bonnie and Maggie safe travels for 2016!

Cedric Canard
9 years ago

Great map and interesting stats Brooks. Looking forward to the continuing adventure in 2016. I wish the three of you a wonderful year. All the best and safe travels.