A Florida Fall, Lake George, Florida
The beginnings of a Florida Fall, Lake George, Florida

Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.” ― Terry Pratchett, A Hat Full of Sky

In a couple of weeks, after finishing this job in Florida, we’re heading back to where we began this RV lifestyle nine months ago, to where we use to live, the Charlotte/Salisbury area of North Carolina. During November and the first part of December we’ll take care of annual doctor visits and of course visiting family and friends before setting out once again.

It will be interesting how those familiar places and even the people we know will seem to us now. We perceive there have been changes in how we view things, in our opinions, in our priorities, but it’s difficult to predict what color lenses our new glasses will hold and will anyone see us differently?

As Terry Pratchett said, “Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.”  It’s for this very reason Bonnie and I continue to feel the pull of travel and its associated discoveries. As this blogs tag line states, “Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”



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Monte Stevens
9 years ago

Pratchett is right on and so are you guys. Even a 2 weeks stint can give a different look of home. I’m pretty sure the changes in the grand babies will astonish you. You mentioned until the first part of December does that mean you will be on the road through the holidays/

Monte Stevens
9 years ago
Reply to  Earl

I relate to the mixed family stuff. Once my kids took on families and my wife and I divorced things changed for holidays, birthdays, etc. Enjoy the time with them!

Tom Dills
9 years ago

Sounds to me like we need to have a big ole’ party! Hope we get to catch up while you are in the area.

My guess is that the biggest challenge will be trying to fit everything into a set time window, after almost a year of pretty much scheduling things whenever it suited. I predict that after a couple of weeks you’ll look at each other and say, “let’s get outta here!” Maybe not, but it will be interesting to see.

Steve Skinner
9 years ago

Home always looks fresh and new when you have been away for a time. Sometimes the best part of a journey is the homecoming!