We’re currently in Marion, Arkansas, upgrading a resort guest services guide and have been enjoying wonderful autumn like weather the last couple of weeks — cool mornings and enjoyable daily highs.
Another week and a half here and then we may be heading back to Florida for a couple of weeks for work — the park we were going to do in eastern North Carolina cancelled on us. After Florida it’s North Carolina to take care of annual appointments and family visits before heading out again.
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This beautiful shot of the grass reminds me that I need to cut mine! :) Perhaps for the final time this year. Oh, and BTW, now that you’re residents of Florida, have a big RV and Florida plates, are you going to come to western NC this year and drive extra slowly along The Parkway and gawk at the leaves? :D
I’d be surprised if this next time is the last time you have to cut your lawn this year, Paul…but then I guess that depends upon how tall you let it get! :-) Yeah, we may just drive around NC and see how much traffic we can hold up…us old Florida people gotta get our fun where we can you know. LOL
LOL – Damn, Floridians!
I like this image! Simple but beautiful. Things are moving along in your guys life. Do you know where you will head after family time and smooching on grand babies?
This image was one of those snapped without too much thought, only realizing it’s something I really liked during processing. Yeah, Monte, life this year has been good to and for us. I often stop and think all the changes we’ve experienced…maybe some day I can do it justice in words. We’ll have some time with family before and after the Thanksgiving time frame, then we’ll probably head out again.
Sorry, Monte, I miss-read the “where” for “when.” When we do head out again we’ll head south again, probably somewhere along the gulf coast for the winter. There’s a meeting in Texas we need to be at around the first of March. After that…who knows…for sure, somewhere different! :-)