Keystone Lake, Keystone State Park, Sand Springs, OK
Keystone Lake, Keystone State Park, Sand Springs, OK (iPhone Photo)

We’re in the process of wrapping up our second week of updating the guest guide for Keystone State Park in Oklahoma.  It’s been overall enjoyable staying here. It’s not been crowded, except for a couple of days on the weekends, and the weather while hot, has been made bearable by a near constant breeze and the natural beauty of the park and Keystone Lake.

Pier51 Marina on the Keystone Lake, Keystone State Park, Sand Springs, OK
Pier51 Marina on the Keystone Lake, Keystone State Park, Sand Springs, OK (iPhone Photo)

This is our third park guest guide update and it gets a little easier with each one. Bonnie’s taken to it quickly and enjoys the challenge. I’ve been a little slower to adapt and while I like the challenge as well, I’m not particularly happy with the general locations we’ve been directed to.  However, the truth is much of that is within our long term control and so I’m going to try and be a bit more flexible in the short term.

This park was close for the month of June 2015 due to flooding. These picnic tables were underwater for most of the month. Keystone State Park, Sand Springs, OK
This park was closed for the month of June 2015 due to flooding. These picnic tables were underwater for most of the month. Keystone State Park, Sand Springs, OK (iPhone photo)

We finish this job this coming Friday, which marks four straight weeks of working — Bonnie and I both agree that’s too much without a break.  We’ll leave here on Sunday, August 9th, to enjoy two weeks off before our next job near Omaha, NE.

Maggie enjoys a walk in an area under water in June 2015 now drying our but still about 7ft above normal. Keystone State Park, Sand Springs, OK
Maggie enjoys a walk in an area which was under water in June 2015 (the water was 30ft above normal in June) but is drying our now — still 7ft above normal in August. Keystone State Park, Sand Springs, OK (iPhone Photo)

We decided since we’re this far west we’d go a little further. We’ll do two longer days of travel, with a day in-between, and arrive in the Colorado Springs on August 12th where we’ll stay for six days until starting back east towards Omaha.

Home-sweet-home, be what it may. Keystone State Park, Sand Springs, OK
Home-sweet-home, be what it may. Keystone State Park, Sand Springs, OK (iPhone photo)

After Omaha we drop southeast to Memphis and then back to do a park in North Carolina. That should take us almost to Thanksgiving.  Man, time’s flying by!

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9 years ago

I wondered if that traveling job was going to be more like work than adventure. So do you get to have the pick of your destinations with more “seniority?”

9 years ago

I like that, Earl: “We finish this job this coming Friday, which marks four straight weeks of working — Bonnie and I both agree that’s too much without a break. “. You’ll get no disagreement out of me. I keep trying to convince my employer of the same thing! :D

If you are of a mind, I’m very curious to know what you are doing, exactly. What’s involved in updating a park guide? Are there photos involved? How about post, man?

Monte Stevens
9 years ago

It does look like a neat park to stay and I just love the clouds in each image. You are doing what many people only dream of trying. The reality of full time RVing includes a few unpleasant moments as well as the exciting adventures. It seems most full timers I have followed find more positives than negatives. Hope I get to see you guys while your in Colorado!

9 years ago
Reply to  Earl

Man! I wish that I could join in that little reunion. It’s been awhile since the three of us have been together. :) Maybe I can catch up with you when you stop by NC!

Anita Jesse
9 years ago

I am looking forward to the post about your retirement job—even though I won’t understand the tech parts.

Your pictures are as beautiful as always. As long as your work doesn’t interfere with your photography, I am happy. ;-)

Paul Maxim
Paul Maxim
9 years ago

Should be a lot cooler in Colorado Springs, especially if you head over to Pike’s Peak. Plus you’ve got Garden of the Gods right there. At least you’ll get a taste of some red rocks. But the good stuff is so close – Utah is the next state over!

If you head up I-25 to get to Nebraska, be careful. In my opinion, it’s one of the nastier interstates. Lots of people going way too fast, I think. Or will you stick to secondary roads?