
The human mind likes to maintain a balance so even when things are changing it will try and find a familiar routine or establish a new normalcy.



While here at Keystone State Park, OK, Maggie and I have been doing morning walks on one of the park trails which is enjoyable and calming for us both. Morning walks on trails is something we done together many times before.


It was during this mornings walk the uniqueness was realized — dang, we’re walking in the middle of Oklahoma. :-)

Never would have imagined this just a year ago.

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Monte Stevens
9 years ago

I would not have imagined it either, but here you are in the middle of Oklahoma. Actually, I was born in the panhandle of Oklahoma. Strange, I’m an Okie by birth but have never lived there. My parents lived in Texas but the nearest hospital was in Oklahoma. That panhandle area is quite different than what you are seeing.

9 years ago

Earl: I had that feeling many times in Europe – a feeling of utter disbelief. Sure, they are quite different, Europe and OK, but it’s the same feeling, I think – A feeling of: Who would have thought that I’d be in this place … ever. :D

Lovely flowers. OK does have some nice areas if you just look for them, or happen upon them.

Paul Maxim
Paul Maxim
9 years ago

Just a quick reality check, EB: There’s nothing “normal” about walking around in Oklahoma in August. We’ve never lived in Oklahoma but we have lived in Missouri. Kind of the same thing. And you don’t normally do daily walks (in August) in Missouri. People just stare out at you from their air-conditioned houses and cars and wonder what the hell you’re doing. If you want to walk, do it in October or April or even December. But not July or August.

It just ain’t normal………

9 years ago

And yet the photos seem like familiar places we probably all can relate to. Wouldn’t even know it’s Oklahoma. On the other hand, maybe this is all just a big gag and you are really still back home. :-)