
We’re at a RV park in Tulsa, OK, having just finished the first week of a two week job updating the parks guest services guide.  To be honest the park isn’t great and it isn’t one I’d have chosen to spend two weeks at.  But, it is what it is and I believe there’s things to be learned and enjoyed no matter the situation.


We recently discovered an area easily reached on foot which runs along local canals and creeks. The great thing about this is it’s an area where we can walk Maggie off the leash.


While this walking area may not be the most scenic of places there’s certainly beauty to be found in some of the details.


I’ve always prided myself on being a “big picture” type of person but I also want to nurture the ability to find and recognize the rose bud among the thorns.


So these photos are a few “buds” found on this mornings walk.


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9 years ago

I see that you finally crossed The Mighty Mississippi! Having lived in Texas for a VERY long time, we looked to Oklahoma to provide us with scenery! It’s all a matter of perspective. I used to enjoy getting out of Texas and visiting OK. Now, for a Texas joke: Why is Oklahoma, OK? Because they don’t know how to spell mediocre! *rim shot* :D

Steve Skinner
9 years ago

If we look with our eyes wide open, no matter where we are, you can always find something of beauty.

Paul Maxim
Paul Maxim
9 years ago

Tulsa, huh? Not one of my favorite spots on earth – it’s kind of an in-between place. It’s past the Mississippi, but not really west yet. Although if you’re coming from the west it’s one of the first places where the geography starts to turn green again. Gotta be warm there in July, though……

By the way, did you turn off the comments on your previous post (Bonnie’s observations)? I tried to post twice and they both simply disappeared. Any explanation?

I like the images. Were these taken with the EM1? If so, which lens did you use?

Monte Stevens
Monte Stevens
9 years ago

The west part of Oklahoma will look very different than the Oklahoma you see now. And, I agree each place has its own beauty when we really look.