A quick mention here of a new/improved feature on Meandering Passage. On the menu bar, under the Meandering Passage header image, you’ll find the menu item, “RV TRAVEL LOGS” with a sub-menu of “2015 Travel.”
Clicking this menu item will bring you to a map displaying our RV travel route for this year with a database listing below the map showing: the date traveled; the location or RV park stayed at; miles traveled from the last location; and my own personal rating of the park.
I’m keeping this page updated when our location changes and it’s a good visual of our travels. The STAR Icon will always be our current location.
As you can see we are now in Missouri. We had to detour during our planned route today because of flooding along the Mississippi River which closed roads — it was something to see, but alas there wasn’t time or a place to stop for photos.
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A really good idea, EB. Especially the “comment” section where you display the pros and cons of each site. For anyone planning on doing any RV-style camping, this is really valuable. We lived in Missouri for a while, by the way. When I was working for 3M we lived in Columbia for 2 years (northwest of your present location). We really liked it there and the cost of living was remarkably low. When we travel on I-70 we still make it a point to stop in Columbia. Gas there is really cheap (relatively speaking).
Thanks, Paul. I was afraid it would all start to run together if the details were not meticulously recorded somewhere. I’m a visual person, one reason I enjoy photography no doubt, and I wanted to see a map of the travel routes as well.
Nope, didn’t know you’d ever lived in Missouri. I’ve driven through Missouri several times but until last night I don’t think I’d stayed over-night in the state. When traveling we plan a travel of 200-250 mile legs and then at least a couple of nights stay before the next leg. I know that seems like a short distance, and it is if traveling by car, but driving this truck/5th Wheel combo takes more energy/concentration — at least for me. Also it’s a bit of a process setting up and tearing down so a couple of nights in between is a nice bonus. We’ve talked to others who do this and they all seem to have settled upon about the same daily mileage, and rest periods, so I guess it’s not just us. We’ve seen that these Class A, bus type, motor homes are better if making time and milage is your goal. But we like to think we’re stopping to smell the local roses. :-)
I’ve really been enjoying your photos from your last southwest trip!
Good idea as we need to keep track of you two.
Monte, thanks. Yelp, don’t want anyone to think we’re completely on the loose in parts unknown. That could be dangerous! ;-)
Hmm. I was wondering why you hadn’t crossed The Mississippi! Flooding. That would explain it. Now, I have a way, like Monte, to keep track of you … as long as you’re not keep two sets of books, Brooks! :D
Paul, originally we’d planned on heading west as soon as we became Florida residents and registering our vehicles, but about that time we found out about this RV’ing job so that changed all our plans and headed back to Myrtle Beach for training.
Nope, only one set of books — I can hardly keep up with one set much less try and keep the stories straight on two. This new map and log will be as up to date and accurate as I can make it. :-)