Larger alligator with freshly killed smaller alligator in mouth, Savannah National Wildlife Refuge, Hardeeville, SC
Larger alligator with freshly killed smaller alligator in mouth, Savannah National Wildlife Refuge, Hardeeville, SC

“Never insult an alligator until after you have crossed the river.” — Cordell Hull

Perhaps a wiser course of action would be to never insult an alligator, ever…even if you’re another alligator.

Larger alligator with freshly killed smaller alligator begins moving into reeds, Savannah National Wildlife Refuge, Hardeeville, SC
Larger alligator with freshly killed smaller alligator begins moving into reeds, Savannah National Wildlife Refuge, Hardeeville, SC

While doing the Laurel Hill Wildlife Drive in the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge we came upon a scene I’ve never witnessed before. Two alligators, one smaller then the other, faced off with the outcome of the larger gator quickly killing the smaller one.

Larger alligator with freshly killed smaller alligator turns back to gain some distance from people watching, Savannah National Wildlife Refuge, Hardeeville, SC
Larger alligator with freshly killed smaller alligator turns back to gain some distance from people watching, Savannah National Wildlife Refuge, Hardeeville, SC

I didn’t witness the actual kill but spoke to the person just ahead of us who did. We could only guess the larger alligator felt his territory was being threatened by this foolish smaller gator.

Larger alligator with freshly killed smaller alligator moves away, Savannah National Wildlife Refuge, Hardeeville, SC
Larger alligator with freshly killed smaller alligator moves away, Savannah National Wildlife Refuge, Hardeeville, SC

However it went down, I grabbed my camera and began photographing as the larger alligator, with his fresh kill firmly in his mouth, started moving into the reeds along the road.  Our presences seemed to make the gator uneasy (it’s presence was certainly making me uneasy as well) so after a brief pause it turned and headed back into clear water and away from us.

Death is always sad but it’s as much a part of nature as is life.

Photos taken with Olympus E-M1, Lumix 45-200mm f/4-5.6 Lens

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Monte Stevens
Monte Stevens
9 years ago

Nature has a violent aspect to it and is part of the life cycle. It shocks us to be witness to it but through out history man has been found capable of the same thing. I watched a violent conflict between mallard ducks the other day. I was amazed at how disturbed it I was. And, no I will not insult an alligator.

Steve Skinner
9 years ago

Words to live by!

9 years ago

Wow, that’s something else. I wonder if gators swallow something that big like a snake does?