“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” — Buddha
Bonnie pointed this scene out to me and said it just looked like the beach. I’m not sure I saw it at that moment, even through I made this photo, but I do now. I guess the truth couldn’t “be long hidden.”
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She’s a keeper, my friend. And, yes it does look like a beach scene.
Thanks, Monte…hope you’re doing well!
OK, I’m just a little curious. I don’t recognize the effect you seem to be using in this image or in the last image you posted of Maggie on the beach. These aren’t straight out of the camera, right? It’d almost as if they’ve been purposely “flattened” (as in less contrast). An interesting effect, though……
Paul, neither this image or the one of Maggie are straight out of the camera. For this image, I applied a slight blur filter and smart sharpening in Photoshop and then made a few more adjustments in Lightroom. The one of Maggie was modified in Photoshop to reduce details, simplifying it and making it look more “painting like.”
Yeah, I get the beach thing too – you mean it’s not?
Mark, It was at the coast…I just didn’t see that it “said beach” until during post processing. It was Bonnie who saw it and caused me to make the photo.