St Marks Lighthouse, St Marks National Wildlife Refuge, Florida
St Marks Lighthouse, St Marks National Wildlife Refuge, Florida

After a week of hot and humid days we were due some nice weather and so when it showed up we took advantage to investigate some local sights. One of these was St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge.

“The refuge was established in 1931 to provide wintering habitat for migratory birds. It is one of the oldest refuges in the National Wildlife Refuge System. It encompasses over 70,000 acres spread out between Wakulla, Jefferson, and Taylor counties, and includes about 43 miles along the Gulf Coast of northwest Florida.” — St. Marks NWR Site

Waterlilies, St Marks National Wildlife Refuge, Florida
Waterlilies, St Marks National Wildlife Refuge, Florida

One of the highlights of our visit was the waterlilies blooming in the canals along the road leading into the refuge. It’s the most waterlilies I’ve ever seen at one time and each bloom almost perfect — very beautiful!

Waterlilies as far as the eye can see, St Marks Wildlife Refuge, Florida
Waterlilies as far as the eye can see, St Marks Wildlife Refuge, Florida

Of course there was also what you’d expect to find in a wildlife refuge — wildlife!

Sounding a roar, alligator on the prowl, St Marks Wildlife Refuge, Florida
Sounding a roar, alligator on the prowl, St Marks Wildlife Refuge, Florida

We heard the bellow of this big alligator in one of the ponds as he seemed to be hunting his next meal and then on our way out this other smaller alligator boldly crossed the road in front of us.

Why did the alligator cross the road? I don't know I didn't get close enough to ask. -- St Marks Wildlife Refuge, Florida.
Why did the alligator cross the road? I don’t know and I didn’t get close enough to ask. — St Marks Wildlife Refuge, Florida.

It was a beautiful day spent beautifully.

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Monte Stevens
Monte Stevens
9 years ago

Seems strange to a guy from Colorado to imagine an alligator crossing the road, let alone to see one. Traveling does introduce us to new worlds where wildlife, plants and people seem almost foreign. Different worlds for sure.

We are seeing spring like weather for a change out here. Loving it!

9 years ago

Looks like such a great place. Wow, those water lilies! Probably a lot of birds too?