
As the last of the Airstream silver bullets departed on Monday, Winnebago Motor Cruisers of the “Mid-Florida Winnies” began pulling in — no doubt some of these two groups must have passed each other on the road leading to/from the resort.


One of the “Winnies” told me  28 members were expected for this three- day get together. By the looks of things, I’d say they all showed up.


Their chapter is one of many Winnebago chapters in Florida and they are also part of the larger Florida State Winnebago Club and the Winnebago International Travelers (WIT) club.


Who knew there were so many RV clubs!



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Tom Dills
9 years ago

That sure is a bunch of hardware!

Monte Stevens
9 years ago

IL take th he Winnie in the last image along with the motorcycle. That’s how I’d like th o travel.

Paul Maxim
Paul Maxim
9 years ago

I’m really glad that you’ve gotten into this whole thing EB, because now I can get some real insight into the face of the “enemy”! Well, not the enemy exactly, but you know what I mean. I can honestly say that on our travels no one causes us more difficulty than campers on the move. The worst thing you can encounter on an interstate is a liberal mix of semis and campers. Most campers actually go slower than the trucks, so the trucks want to pass. As more trucks get into the passing lane, the resulting “snot” gets longer and longer (and more dangerous). And when they’re intermixing on a hill things can get a little dicey (especially when some of the drivers start to get impatient).

I’m not complaining – everybody has a right to be on the road. But I do like the interstates with 3 lanes where trucks and campers are excluded from the far left lane. Things go a lot smoother. Actually, the trick is to find the interstates that trucks tend to avoid. But there aren’t many of those.

9 years ago

Well, Earl! Looks like you are a de facto member of a few new clubs. :)

Paul Maxim
Paul Maxim
9 years ago
Reply to  Paul

You don’t have to worry about me “flipping you off” – I just keep looking straight ahead. But Barb might!

I didn’t know that there was a maximum safe speed for those tires. That explains a lot. Now all I have to do is watch out for the guys who are going too fast.

I definitely worry about the truckers who want to pass me (and I’m doing 75 or better). As you say, they’re going much too fast.

9 years ago

Clubs? I sense a whole cult thing going on here! :-)