Morning at Ghorse Pond, White Springs, Florida
Morning at Ghorse Pond, White Springs, Florida


In addition to being the tourist and the photo-journalist on this journey, I’m an individual struggling photographer hoping to move beyond competent.

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Tom Dills
9 years ago

Don’t sell yourself short there, Brooks. I see the you as a quite competent photographer. You may need to perhaps adjust your approach, and of course the geography has changed, but I suspect that all those things will translate well in your new world.

Cedric Canard
9 years ago

I know the feeling Brooks. In my case, with my current lack of photographic outings I fear that I am going to slide the other way. In any case this monochrome image goes beyond competent so you are moving in the right direction.

Monte Stevens
Monte Stevens
9 years ago

Agree with Cedric. But, I also see you as a competent photographer. You show that continuously in your images.