The walls of Sergovia (old town), Spain – July 2014


Previous year end posts for this blog have been written wondering if the coming new year will bring substantial changes.  This year, there’s no doubt of immense changes for us in 2015. For the last couple of months part of our focus has been on preparations for this future lifestyle choice we’ve made but we’ve also been trying to experience our last “traditional” Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday.  Since those holidays are now behind us our excitement to move forward is quickly gaining momentum. The next month and a half we’ll be working to only that end.

I hope everyone has a wonderful new year in 2015, a year which is rewarding, personally fulfilling and grants each of you good health!  I also hope next year results in a world more peaceful and just.  We mustn’t forget we’re all in this together and to help another is to help ourselves.

As far as my own New Year’s Eve celebration, I will probably follow Monte’s example and be in my recliner (while I have one) with a cup of hot apple cider.

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Paul Maxim
Paul Maxim
10 years ago

And a wonderful and exciting New Year to you as well, Earl. I don’t mind admitting how jealous I am of your upcoming adventures. Let’s just hope that all this arctic air is gone by the time you set out!

10 years ago

You’ve certainly assured yourselves of a different kind of year. Like Paul, my skin was taking on a bit of a green tinge, but I got over that. :) I’m looking forward to reading about and following your adventure. Should you find yourselves back in the Carolinas, give me “hollar” and we can meet in person. I’d like to hear about your adventures.

I hope that your practice run at living in the 5th Wheel goes well during your estate sale.

10 years ago
Reply to  Earl

I’m with you there, my friend. Get North Carolina out of your pocket ASAP! :)