Against the Cold Blue Winter Sky
Against the Cold Blue Winter Sky


The sale in November of my Nikon camera and lens went quickly. There’s always a demand for quality Nikon or Canon DSLR gear, especially for full-frame equipment. The first auction winner for the D600 camera body was a “no-pay,” first one I’ve every had on eBay, but when relisted it sold for more the second time so all’s good.

This leaves me with a camera kit comprised of an Olympus OM-D EM-1 4/3s camera, with various lens, and a Panasonic LX-7 point-and-shoot camera. Recently, I haven’t had time, or a compulsion, to do any photography beyond the once in awhile snapshot with my iPhone.

So that leaves me to ask the question…what do I see the role of photography being in this new mobile lifestyle of ours?

Probably not much initially as I focus on becoming proficient at the day-to-day tasks and skills needed to keep this new vehicle and home running efficiently.  Yet soon enough those things will become routine and there will be time again to pursue photography.

I’m envisioning photography to be a means of documenting the mobile lifestyle as well as some of the interesting sights in the areas we visit. But my perspective on it may well change as we get more into it  and I’m looking forward to see where this takes me.

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10 years ago

I think having a photojournalistic approach could really compliment your adventure. And certainly it is partly a selfish reason so we can see what this is all about. And for all the places you will likely visit, I think that photo bug will bite.

Monte Stevens
10 years ago

I agree the photojournalistic approach is a good direction to go. I say that because I’m interested in following along on this adventure with you and Bonnie. I’ve also seen your ability as a photojournalist.

Cedric Canard
10 years ago

I have no doubt that photography will be a big part of your adventure and easily become one of your top 3 considerations for any given day.
I wish you both an adventure filled new year. But only the good kinds of adventures. All the best.