Fall in the park, Sloan Park, Rowan County, NC
Fall in the park, Sloan Park, Rowan County, NC

“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”  ~~ Carl Sagan

Recently I’ve written a number of posts on the subject of Bonnie and me wanting to relocate, to change our lives somehow, to discover more about ourselves and learn more about the world around us. We find ourselves in a period of transition — not quite old enough to fully retire and not mentally ready or willing to just wait until we are. In addition, neither of us have been able to find gainful employment — at least not anything that would be fulfilling or we’d want to do.

So, we have decided to embrace this transition period, to see it for its possibilities instead of experiencing the inherent negativity of a waiting period. We want to use this time as an opportunity to explore and grow, both as individuals and as a couple. We’re decided to live and travel the country full time in an RV — caravans I believe they’re called in Europe. We want to do it at our pace, going when and where we want and of course taking our dog, Maggie. We plan to take our time in places we’d like to get to know, meeting new people and learning about them as we learn about ourselves.

We’re selling our house, our three cars and most of our personal possessions. I guess you could say this action follows a minimalist path and even though I believe most people are too focused on things, we don’t believe things are the problem or the root of all evil. Our actions simply necessitate scaling down to a much, much smaller living space.

To get the ball rolling and with the expert help of our financial advisor, we’re borrowing funds from our retirement and purchasing a 5th wheel RV trailer and a rather large truck to pull it. We are hopeful to quickly and fully repay ourselves from the sale of our old life and begin this next chapter virtually debt free. Our next challenge is to live within our established cash stream until we officially draw retirement.

We’ve spent significant time in these life changing discussions, including talking one another off-the-ledge when the panic or self-doubt creeps in. Fortunately we’ve not both been on the ledge at the same time.  Steps have already been taken to make this a reality and we hope to depart by spring of next year.

This new lifestyle holds promise for my photography as well. I already have ideas for several series of photos. The recent change to the format of Meandering Passage was in part due to our plans.

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10 years ago

Good for you guys! It’s how I’ve been living now for the past year — no known address, home is wherever I am with my Jeep and tent. The budget is always a challenge. I did retire and started SS last year. It’s not a lot but with care I live within my means. With a little bit of income to supplement it I can be pretty mobile.

I met a couple from Wisconsin out at Joshua Tree last winter who are doing what you’re planning and they felt it’s the best move they ever made. I’m going to meet up with them again this winter at JT.

Sorry to ramble but I’m truly thrilled for you. You’ve taken the first step, making the decision. I don’t think you’ll regret it for a minute. Best of luck to the both of you. Maggie too of course… :)

10 years ago
Reply to  Earl

That would be cool. If you’re ever in Joshua Tree country in the winter I’ll probably be around somewhere… :)

Steve Skinner
10 years ago

Congratulations Earl! I really like your plan for the next stage of life. When you get to Oregon, be sure to look me up.

Trista Runion-Frank
Trista Runion-Frank
10 years ago

Congratulations !
I am so happy for you, and envious. I look forward to seeing pictures and reading stories of your travels.

Paul Maxim
Paul Maxim
10 years ago

Wow. Talk about a change in lifestyle! I’m jealous, Earl. We’ve also met a few couples who’ve done this (during our own excursions) and haven’t run across anyone who was sorry for doing it. We met one couple on Padre Island, Texas, who traveled with the seasons. Wherever it was sunny and warm, that’s where they went. They were happy as clams.

One piece of advice: Stay away from western NY in the winter!!

10 years ago

That’s awesome, Earl! When I was young, I didn’t have much use for the thought of an RV – but now, nearing retirement, the thought of the open road and that kind of freedom is tremendously appealing. Just can’t afford it!

By the way, I have that Carl Sagan quote stuck to one of my speakers sitting on my desk. We could use more Carl Sagans in this world.

10 years ago

Wow, that’s great Earl. I love the reference “selling your old life.” It will be such an adventure. I look forward to reading about it.

Don’t forget Detroit is the tourist capital of the Midwest now. :-)

10 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Detroit? Huh? What? LOL ;)

Monte Stevens
Monte Stevens
10 years ago

I’ve had many restless nights of sleep as I work at plans to do the same. The only difference is choosing an small Class A instead of a fith wheel. My parents did the snowbird gig for many years and loved it. My sister and brother-in-law travel about 6 months of the year in a nice Class A. I too, am envious of you two and continue to dream of such a life. I follow a couple of blogs about fulltime Rver’s, some young and some retired. I’m excited for you two!!!!

10 years ago

All the best with your planned change of lifestyle. I recall Anne McKinnell http://annemckinnell.com/ doing exactly the same (including a dog) about eighteen months ago and she has never regretted it.

10 years ago

What a decision, Earl! I do remember your posts about re-doing your “man-cave” and many images of your beautiful house. But I can well imagine that this is the right thing to do – after all freedom also is about concentrating on the really important things in life, and these rarely are things in the sense of the word, but quite often immaterial ones. Good luck to both of you!