I photographed the Salisbury, NC, stage of the Crossroads Classic Bicycle Race back in August. In one of the men’s events a young boy lined up on the start line surrounded by fully grown male participants and I remember thinking how unnerving that situation must be for him. He seemed mismatched, his waist hardly as thick as some of their thighs knowing with the sounding of the start gun an all out sprint would begin for the first turn. In that situation, being overwhelmed would have been understandable but, if he was, he never showed it.

He kept his composure and his focus stayed true — down the course to the first turn objective. With the crack of the gun his lighter weight proved an advantage and he was within the top five or six as they reached that turn. It was only later when endurance became a factor that he started to fade.
Besides his focus, he did something else I admired greatly. He took that front position on the starting line even when it seemed he had no chance.
So these days when I’m feeling tumbled about by life’s daily trials and opportunities, I try to remember to hold my place on the starting line and be focused on goals ahead.
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It’s important to keep that focus sharp. A supervisor once told me that if you want to be the general, then you have to think like the general!
Wise words, Steve. Thanks!
These photos are excellent Earl. The first one is magic. You’ve done a wonderful job in post too.
Thank you, Cedric.
Brave young man but seems like he can fit right in. And, you offer some good advice, “…to hold my place on the starting line and be focused on goals ahead.”
I don’t know that I would have the focus and determination this young man did, Monte, certainly not when I was his age!