Alcazar of Segovia (Segovia Castle) courtyard corridor, Segovia, Spain.
Alcazar of Segovia (Segovia Castle) courtyard corridor, Segovia, Spain.

It’s the light at the end of this corridor which makes this image, but it would have little impact if not for the shadows preceding it.

That thought adds perspective to life’s history and will be kept in mind if in the future should there be moments “less then bright.”

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ken bello
ken bello
10 years ago

Yes, the light seems to be the primary focus but it’s the details in the shadows that I find interesting and mysterious.

10 years ago

I like this sort of image, with virtually two subjects: the details in the shadows, and of course, the light at the end of the tunnel. Nice shot, Earl.

Tom Dills
10 years ago

I like this a lot, Earl. The shadows are a subject of their own but also form a frame for the distant light and the statue (it looks like a statue!). Very nice!

Monte Stevens
Monte Stevens
10 years ago

Very well said and one awesome image!

Paul Maxim
Paul Maxim
10 years ago

I saw this image while we were on the road, Earl, but didn’t get a chance to comment then. Like the other commentators, I love the details in the shadows. The eye is certainly drawn to the light, but it keeps coming back to the darker areas. That seems to be a human trait, huh? We’re drawn to the light, but it’s the shadows that really fascinate us.