There is a crescent Moon in this photo…although it’s a little hard to see at this image size.
I was standing on a raised deck taking sunrise photos when I noticed a small crescent Moon in the sky as well. I shifted my position slightly and capture it, thinking it probably wouldn’t be noticeable, and I was about correct.
The Moon is among at the top middle of the photo in the vicinity of where the leaves of the left and right trees meet. Can you find it? :-)
Yes, these old eyes wa able to see it. And, I do love the colors of these early morning sunrises. I think it’s the perfect way to start the day.
I can’t blow the photo up enough on my tablet to see the moon, so I’ll take your word for it. ;) It’s a very nice photo with or without the moon, however.
I’m with Tom – it’s a great image but I’ll be damned if I can find the friggin’ moon! And I’m using a pretty good sized monitor.
I truly am getting old……..
OK. Just found it – I was looking in the wrong place (too low). I’m young again!
Wow! Without your guidance, I would have never found the moon. It was cleverly hidden. :) I certainly had to click on the image to make it bigger. :) It is a beautiful scene.
Found it!
OK, it took going to a bigger monitor, and if course it helps to look in the right place ;) , but I finally found it too!
Nicely done Earl. Nice touch, putting it among the leaves rather than below them.