noun he disappeared down an alley on his motorbike:
PASSAGE, passageway, alleyway, back alley, back lane, laneway, backstreet, lane, path, pathway, walk, allée; Chinese hutong.
Note: You may notice posts such as this posted under the category of “WordPlay.” These are posts where the dictionary definition(s)/ thesaurus synonyms of the photo’s descriptive title/caption word(s) leads back to the name words of this blog: “Meandering” and/or “Passage.” A previous “WordPlay” category post example is “zigzag.” A little mental game to keep the wheels turning in my mind, both while shooting and in posting.
I very much like what you’re doing with these “wordplay” posts.
Thanks, Cedric. Simply a little play time.
When I first saw this photo I thought it was taken on the RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology) campus. It was known as “brick city” but I think they are trying to downplay that term now.
With our red clay rich soil, brick has been a very common building material in these parts. We sometimes laugh about it being the elephant graveyard of brick ranch homes. :-)
Neat exercise Earl. Who would have thought you can now relate “Chinese hutong” back to the name of your blog?! This shot would also make a cool abstract of 3 triangles if cropped about 50% down just where the light hits the path at the far end.
Heck, before this post who’d even heard of “Chinese hutong?” :-)
Mark, I hadn’t seen that crop you mentioned but yeah, it’d work!
I did some portraits this weekend, before the snow, and used some back alleys for background. Plus we find less hard light and shadows in those alleys. DIdn’t see any motorbikes though.
Monte, what, no motorbikes in your alleys? They must not have been “official” alleys! ;-)